Why sunderkand is called sunderkand

Why sunderkand is called sunderkand is a very important query for a new generation who are not touched with the religion. so in this article complete information about this query.

Why sunderkand is called sunderkand
Why sunderkand is called sunderkand

The Ramayana, an epic narrative that resonates through the ages, serves as a cornerstone of Hindu mythology. Within its verses, there lies a chapter of profound significance — Sunderkand. The name itself suggests a sense of beauty and splendor, prompting us to explore the reasons behind its distinctive title. In this article, we embark on a journey to understand Why sunderkand is called sunderkand.

Historical Context : Why sunderkand is called sunderkand

To comprehend the essence of Sunderkand’s beauty, it’s essential to delve into the historical context of the Ramayana. Composed by the sage Valmiki, the Ramayana narrates the life and adventures of Lord Rama, his wife Sita, and his loyal companion Hanuman. However, it is Tulsidas, a revered saint and poet, who brought the Ramayana closer to the masses with his magnum opus, the Ramcharitmanas.

Tulsidas’s Ramcharitmanas comprises seven books, one of which is Sunderkand. Tulsidas’s decision to name a specific section “Sunderkand” reflects the profound impact and significance he attached to this part of the epic.

Literary Analysis is also the reason Why sunderkand is called sunderkand.

The term “Sunderkand” is a composite of two words: “Sunder,” meaning beautiful, and “kand,” meaning section or chapter. Thus, “Sunderkand” translates to a beautiful chapter. This nomenclature is not merely a superficial label; it encapsulates the inherent beauty found within the verses of this part of the Ramayana.

The beauty of Sunderkand is multi-faceted. It lies not only in the lyrical and poetic brilliance of Tulsidas’s composition but also in the narrative content that unfolds within this segment. The events, emotions, and dialogues depicted in Sunderkand contribute to its aesthetic appeal.

Significance of Sunderkand

The significance of Sunderkand extends beyond its literary merit. From a spiritual and religious perspective, it holds a special place in the hearts of devotees. Sunderkand primarily revolves around the exploits of Hanuman, the devoted disciple of Lord Rama, as he embarks on a mission to locate Sita in the demon king Ravana’s kingdom of Lanka.

This chapter is laden with devotion, determination, and unwavering faith in the divine. Hanuman’s fearless leap across the ocean to reach Lanka, his encounter with the demoness Surasa, and his subsequent meeting with Sita are key events that contribute to the overall narrative of the Ramayana. The beauty in Sunderkand lies in these powerful episodes that underline the triumph of good over evil.

Devotional Perspective

Devotees often turn to Sunderkand for solace, inspiration, and spiritual guidance. The recitation of Sunderkand is considered auspicious and is believed to bring blessings and protection. Many devotees engage in regular reading or chanting of Sunderkand, considering it a potent means to seek Lord Hanuman’s blessings and divine intervention in their lives. so Devotional Perspective is also the reason Why sunderkand is called sunderkand.

Cultural and religious rituals associated with Sunderkand vary across regions but are united by a common thread of reverence and devotion. In temples and households, the recitation of Sunderkand is a cherished practice, especially during auspicious occasions and festivals.

Symbolism in Sunderkand

The beauty of Sunderkand also lies in its profound symbolism. Each event and character carries symbolic significance, offering layers of meaning to those who seek a deeper understanding. Hanuman’s journey symbolizes the unwavering devotion and selfless service that a devotee should exhibit in the quest for spiritual knowledge and truth.

The encounter with Surasa, the demoness who demands Hanuman to enter her mouth, symbolizes the challenges and tests faced by individuals on the spiritual path. Hanuman’s clever response reflects the importance of wit and wisdom in navigating life’s obstacles.

The meeting with Sita symbolizes the reunion of the individual soul (Jivatma) with the Supreme Soul (Paramatma). Sita, separated from Rama, represents the soul in the material world, and her reunion with Hanuman signifies the soul’s journey back to its divine origin.

Linguistic and Artistic Aspects : Why sunderkand is called sunderkand

The linguistic and artistic elements of Sunderkand contribute significantly to its aesthetic appeal. Tulsidas’s poetic brilliance is evident in the rhythmic verses, rich metaphors, and vivid descriptions that adorn this chapter. The language used is not merely a medium of communication but a vehicle that transports the reader or listener into the heart of the narrative.

Sunderkand’s influence extends beyond literature into classical music, dance, and other performing arts. The verses have been set to various musical compositions, creating a melodic rendition that adds another layer of beauty to this sacred text. The visual representations of Sunderkand in traditional art forms, such as paintings and sculptures, further enhance its cultural and artistic significance.

The Embrace of History : Why sunderkand is called sunderkand

To understand why Sunderkand is called Sunderkand, we must immerse ourselves in the river of history, where the sage Valmiki wove the tale of Rama, Sita, and Hanuman. Yet, it is the poet Tulsidas who breathed life into this epic with his Ramcharitmanas. Among its pages, Sunderkand stands as a jewel, glistening with the tears of devotion and the radiance of unwavering faith.

Why “Sunder”?

The word “Sunder” holds a melody that resonates with the soul. It speaks of beauty, not in the superficial sense, but in the profound echoes of love and sacrifice. Sunderkand, therefore, is not just a chapter; it is a lyrical composition of emotions, a symphony of devotion that touches the deepest recesses of the human heart.

Significance of Emotion

Sunderkand is not a tale recounted in a monotone; it is a kaleidoscope of emotions. The heart-wrenching separation of Ram and Sita, the fiery determination of Hanuman, and the poignant meeting between them — each moment is a brushstroke on the canvas of emotions. It is this emotional depth that makes Sunderkand truly “sunder,” a thing of beauty that stirs the soul. this is also the reason Why sunderkand is called sunderkand.

Devotion Beyond Words

The significance of Sunderkand stretches far beyond the boundaries of mere literature. It is a sanctuary for devotees, a place where the heart finds solace and the spirit, renewal. The recitation of Sunderkand is not a mechanical repetition of words; it is a heartfelt conversation with the divine. It is a channel for devotees to pour out their joys, sorrows, and deepest desires.

Cultural Symphony

In the tapestry of cultural rituals, Sunderkand is a melody that resonates in temples and households alike. The rhythmic chanting, the fragrance of incense, and the flickering flames of the diya create a symphony of devotion that echoes through the ages. It is a cultural inheritance, passed down through generations, carrying the heartbeat of a thousand souls.

Symbolism: The Language of the Heart

Within Sunderkand, every event, and every character, carries the weight of symbolic meaning. Hanuman’s leap across the ocean becomes a metaphor for overcoming insurmountable challenges. Sita’s captivity signifies the struggle of the soul in the material world. Each symbol is a heartbeat, a pulsating rhythm that resonates with the deepest emotions of the human experience.

Linguistic Embrace

Tulsidas, in crafting Sunderkand, didn’t merely use words; he painted with them. The linguistic brilliance, the poetic nuances, and the rhythmic cadence of the verses create an emotional tapestry that envelops the reader. Language isn’t a barrier; it’s a bridge that connects the seeker with the divine, making Sunderkand a journey of the heart through the realms of language.

Artistic Echoes

The artistic expressions of Sunderkand extend beyond the pages of a book. In classical music, the verses find a melodic partner, creating a harmonious blend that elevates the soul. Traditional art forms, be it paintings or sculptures, breathe life into the characters and events, making Sunderkand a visual symphony that resonates with the heart.


In conclusion, Sunderkand earns its title of the “beautiful chapter” through a combination of literary, spiritual, and cultural dimensions. Its significance is not confined to religious rituals or historical events but extends to the profound symbolism and timeless teachings it encapsulates. Whether viewed through a literary lens, a devotional perspective, or an appreciation for linguistic and artistic elements, Sunderkand stands as a testament to the enduring beauty of the Ramayana. As we explore the depths of this chapter, we find not only a narrative but a source of inspiration and a reflection of the eternal beauty inherent in the quest for truth and righteousness.

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